Our Team: Mark Greenfield
Our Team: Mark Greenfield
Massage Therapy
Massage Therapy Overview
Massage therapy is actually the third most commonly used form of alternative medicine in the United States (and for those of us who live in New York, we can use all the stress relief we can get).
Here are the fantastic benefits that massage offers:
One hour of massage equates to 7-8 hours of sleep in the body.
Office workers massaged regularly are more alert, perform better and are less stressed than those who aren't massaged
Massage pumps oxygen and nutrients into tissues and vital organs, improving circulation.
It also promotes tissue regeneration, reducing scar tissue, enhances immunity by stimulating lymph flow, reduces spasms and cramping, relieves migraine pain, aids in metabolism stability and weight balance, and even lessens depression and anxiety!
Massage therapy in its many forms is also an effective way to help one to live a healthy lifestyle, create an overall sense of wellness in the body, manage stress and reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression. By helping to stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system, quiet the mind, reduce pain and increase body awareness massage therapy is a great way to help one to maintain and find emotional and mental balance.
OnYourMark has given thousands of massages and treatments to hundreds of individuals. He continues to successfully help clients recover from injury, prevent future injuries, manage and eliminate chronic pain, perform better at work and in their favorite sport, and live up to their physical potential.
Some of the injuries and conditions that OnYourMark can help you with include:
Carpel Tunnel Syndrome
Chronic Back Pain
Muscle Strains
Plantar Fascitis
Shin Splints
ITB Pain
TMJ Dysfunction
Rotator Cuff Injuries
Shoulder Impingement
Neck Pain
"I have had chronic back pain for almost four years. I tried many different things to find relief and always ended up in pain again. After one session I felt relief unlike any before. Mark really listened to what was actually hurting and addressed that area. The next day I woke up and didn’t even think about my back (which is a huge deal for me). I 100% recommend On Your Mark NYC"